OROAREZZO re-scheduled for 19th to 22nd June 2020

09 Mar, 2020
In light of the critical on-going health crisis, Italian Exhibition Group has decided to postpone OROAREZZO 2020 to a later date.
A decision taken both on observing the general scenario and listening to the business needs of the exhibiting companies and, therefore, with the desire to ensure customers and traders with a new calendar positioning that will be fully attended by international buyers.
The new dates for OROAREZZO 2020 have been set as Friday 19th June to Monday 22nd June and take into consideration the current seasonal forecasts for a positive evolution of the COVIS-19 emergency as well as other trade show periods for buyers coming from Made in Italy’s most strategic markets.
OROAREZZO is the trade show specifically for Made in Italy jewellery that gathers together the very best manufacture from every Italian gold district that specializes in processing metals and precious elements to express the highest jewellery-making quality.